Thursday, May 11, 2006

New platform encourages patient adherence, brand loyalty

New platform encourages patient adherence, brand loyalty
In an effort to improve medication adherence and brand loyalty, a new program provides physicians with reports indicating whether patients adhere to their medicine and understand their treatment. The Treatment Educator from pharma services provider InfoMedics is a multi-pronged approach to adherence. At the point of prescribing, patients get information about what to expect from the drug, the importance of adherence, and how to enroll in the program, Sarah Reddington, InfoMedics spokesperson said. After the prescription is filled, patients complete surveys about whether they're taking their medicine as directed. Surveys can be completed online, via e-mail, or by phone. Physicians receive reports on the survey results, which foster more personalized, efficient dialogue between patients and doctors, says Reddington.
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